Friday 9 March 2012

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is most probably the most well know motivation theory he hypothesized that within every Human there existed hierarchy of five needs. The five needs are levels which each level is a stepping stone to the next need in the hierarchy. That is that once the basic needs are meet they would progress to the next level of needs.

 The five needs in the Hierarchy are Physiological needs; are the needs of hunger, thirst, sex, shelter and other basic needs to live.

Safety needs; are the need to feel safe form physical and emotional harm.

Social needs; are the need to have a sense of belongingness, affectation, acceptance, and relationships within our lives.

Esteem needs, are the needs to have self-respect, achievement and autonomy internal needs, and the external needs to have attention, status and recognition. 

Self-actualization is the need, drive and ability to become the best we can be, which includes growth, reaching our potential, and self-fulfilment.

Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy can all so be used to help explain the needs of consumers when wanting to purchase products whether they are goods or services. As the model explains why people are driven to meet particular need at any time, can be used by marketer to target the needs of consumers in demographics age, income, sex as  needs in Maslow’s hierarchy meet different segments of these.

Example is two different  car advertisements for Toyota and Nissan witch focus on different needs of Maslow’s Hierarchy to target Consumers.

The Frist is that of Toyota  with their safety first advertisement


By watching this Advertisement we can see that Toyota is focusing their advisement on the Safety needs in Maslow’s Hierarchy. As they are using glass crush test dummies with glass insides to promote that Toyota has the safest cars on the market and tested in the most realistic ways to meet human safety. The choice of music used in the advertisement is to make you think back when you are child, when very think was safe and fun.

The advertisement is for the Nissan R35 GTR


This Advertisement by Nissan focus on the Physiological needs with the portrayal that the car is sex , by the way they show the imagining and design of the car.

The Esteem needs by shower that the car is powerful, advanced and is high performance car, this done by showing the car to performing in different conditions, the quotes form magazines that come up, and the choice of music used as it relates to would of the most watch Import and car movies of all time Tokyo Drift theme song. It meets esteems needs by saying that if you own this car you will get respect and confidence and have a sense of achievement(witch I japan owning car like this mean you have power, wealth and stats).

Meets the needs of Self-actualization by saying that the car will make you the best driver you can be on any road condition, by showing how well it performs on each and that anyone can do so and that it’s so  technologically advanced it makes any driver great no matter where they are.

As you can see Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs can be used to break customer needs into segments to better target them through advertisements, to meet the wants and needs of the target make by selling the needs ofthe product with Maslow's Needs Hierarchy.  

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