Sunday 26 February 2012

Battlefield 3 Advertisement Review

Battlefield 3 Advertisement Review

Today we are going to review one of the highest selling video games of 2011. Battlefield was sold a cross all gaming consoles PS3, X box 360 and PC being the biggest gamming platforms.  The game is based around a Morden Warfare combat.

The first thing that we will look at is how the game is target at its market audience, first thing that comes to mind is gamer’s, the first person shooters gamers (FPS). But we can define the target market or segment more with demographics, psychographics and Geographic’s.  

The demographics of the target market of this advertisement after reviewing it are most likely are those of male aged 17-35, with a medium income level of 40,000-80,000.

 Next will look at the psychographics of the segment that is what kind of life style and interest they have. By reviewing this advisement we can see that it is most likely those who have good work life balance with free time have disposable income, enjoy the use or playing video games for entertainment over other forms such as movies, concerts or plays. They are into the FPS game market and enjoy more of a war based game.  

The last segmentation area we look at after reviewing this advisement is that Geographic’s as the advertisement doesn’t really tell us much about this we can tell form the psychographics and as a gamer and knowing what most uses like to do, play online with the game. We can stay that it is target around city populations witch have large TV viewing and internet access.  These are only my opinion on the market section.

 Another way of looking at the target market is Ray Morgan’s value segmentation   found at

Look At Me© They are looking for fun and freedom away from the family, being a part of "their generation", the in-crowd of their peers. They are fashion and trend conscious, wishing to stand out from their parent's generation but are very conscious of conforming to their peer group.
Whilst this pattern of responses is more often found amongst teenagers, trying to "stand out" to seek recognition by the family for being "grown up" can occur at any time in a person's life.

Being very active socially, they prefer a party to staying at home. They like to be seen as "outrageous" and taking part in "cool" or "hip" activities. They tend not to get involved in social or political issues. Sport, leisure and fun are too important to be interfered with by longer term commitments.

Short term thinking also features strongly in this segment, looking at getting jobs not having a career, and working for wages (9-5) not salaries which carry more responsibility. They may say they want responsibility but only to the extent that they don't want anyone looking over their shoulder and telling them what to do. They still expect the family to support them, feed them, do their laundry but definitely not clean up their room - that's private.

Money is very important to them, but not if it requires financial planning or thought for tomorrow. Money is essentially a means to an end - something you need to enjoy yourself.

They are also attracted by media which reflects their peer group and generation, particularly programmes such as Neighbours, and Reality TV shows like Australian Idol & Biggest Loser.  TV Comedies are favourite in particular animated shows like The Simpsons and Futurama as well as variety shows like Rove.

Their reading interests in magazines are similarly self-reflective with Girlfriend, Dolly, Cleo, and Cosmopolitan etc. being among the highest read. Males tend to reflect their peer interests in cars and bikes with Fast Fours & Rotaries, Hot 4s and Performance Cars and Top Gear, in women with Zoo Weekly, FHM and Ralph, in sports with Alpha, Rugby League Week and AFL Record and video gaming with Hyper, Official Xbox 360, PlayStation and PC Power play.

 Now we can look at does the advertisement meet the needs of this segmentation. With the way the advertisement was made to show war based game play and actors doing the same war based activity, and at the end staying real or Battlefield 3? , this target the FPS market with vision and mindset that this game is so realistic you think you are in real war fighting. It is also very action based with all the shotting, running and explosions to show that it is a very fast paced and realistic war game were u only have seconds to make decisions .

The advertisement is well set up to meet their target market it is very fast paced, the switching between game play and realistic war battle is a great idea as it saying is it real or Battlefield 3, with the use of fast paced action and switch form game play and film has really sold the realism and fast paced action of this war game.

This are the thing gamers are looking for more fast paced action and realistic game play to make you feel as if you were there and Battlefield # advertisement does this.  

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